How to Everything
A Very Basic Beginner’s Guide to Meditation
Stop. Take a deep breath. I know you already hate this post. You’re hate-reading it because you think meditating is impossible but you keep hearing that you’re supposed to do it so here you are. But guess what?
Easy iPhone Hacks for Breaking Your Phone Addiction
Take control of your screen time. Here are a couple of ways you can use your iPhone to hack your iPhone addiction.
6 Fun Ways to Teach Kids Self-Care
Teaching children the practice of self-care should start at a young age. It can help them learn how to deal with stressors as they grow and reduce their risk of developing mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Here are 6 little ways to start introducing self-care into kids’ daily routines.
I Failed Miserably at Doing a Dopamine Fast, and You Should Too.
A dopamine fast is a break from everything that makes your brain release dopamine. Here's how to do one and how to survive it.
What I Learned from Being (Mostly) Alone for a Month
Being alone can be so scary--I did it for a whole month. Here are some things that helped me stay motivated and pass the time.